Order your custom caricature now!

custom caricature print dog

Order your custom pet caricature

Prices start at US $ 99.00 for a custom caricature portrait of 1 dog with a custom background, including the digital file suitable for large prints and a 8x8 inch art print.


How does it work?

  • You send in photo(s) of your pet with the contact form below. (Or you can e-mail: info@brunoartstudio.com to send in more than two photos.)

  • The photos don't have to be high quality, as long as the face and eyes are clear for me to see. You can only send in photos of your own pets!

  • Tell me in the message section your pet's name, character and what colors and background you like. It's all custom so tell me your wishes! I will send you an e-mail back with the estimated time it will take to create your custom caricature. 

  • I will e-mail a watermarked version for your approval; one revision is included in the price.

  • If you like the artwork you can order and pay for the caricature and I will e-mail you the artwork in a high quality digital file that you can use for (large) prints! You will also get a color art print on 8 x 8 inch paper.

Order your custom caricature, fill in the form!

* These fields are mandatory. Please read the " How does it work? " above the contact form before sending it in. If you have any questions visit the FAQ page or the Terms and Conditions page.