Bruno&Co Art Studio

Terms and Conditions 

1. Terms and Conditions

        Following terms and conditions apply on all of the custom made artworks and/or on items purchased in the web store of Bruno and Co Art Studio.


2. Project information

        Custom artwork will be designed on a given commission. Designer only takes on commissions given by the client, no third parties. Designer can refuse taking a commission without reason. All artwork will be done to client specifications and use (partially) client-provided graphics. The project will be designed using Adobe Photoshop to paint the clients artwork. Payment of the artwork is after the commission giver has approved of the artwork that is shown on the website's login page or the watermarked version that the artist has send the client via e-mail.


3. Revisions

        The project does include one revision. Good communication between the artist and the pet owner are essential. If the client is not happy with the final result as the artist has created after one revision the commission ends and the order is cancelled. The artwork will be removed from the Bruno and Co Art Studio data base.

There are two reasons for the one-revision policy. First is to keep the prices of a custom artwork low, second is that these artworks are created by the artists vision.


4. Ownership of artwork/files

  Bruno and Co Art Studio retains ownership of all original artwork/files or parts contained therein, whether preliminary or final. The client of a custom artwork shall obtain ownership of the final artwork/files/print to use as they see fit (non commercially) after paying the complete total amount of the price of the artwork. Bruno and Co Art Studio retains the right to use the completed project of the custom art and any preliminary designs for the purpose of design competitions, future publications on design, educational purposes, exhibitions and portfolio. Where applicable, the client will be given any necessary credit for usage of the project elements. Any trade-sensitive information, such as product pricing or customer data, shall be redacted by the designer prior to use.

Artwork(s) that are property of the designer but are displayed at galleries, art houses or other public places remain property of the designer. Insurance, commissions and sales- policies will be discussed and signed before displaying.


5. Production schedule/delivery of project

        The client will assume any shipping or insurance costs related to the project. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon approval with the client. The designer shall not incur any liability or penalty for delays in the completion of the project due to actions or negligence of client, unusual transportation delays, unforeseen illness, or external forces beyond the control of the designer. If such event(s) occur, it shall entitle the designer to extend the completion/delivery date, by the time equivalent to the period of such delay.

Shipment costs internationally of one 8x12 inch art print is included in the price. Any VAT that is charged to you (depending on the state and country you live in) and is not included in the price.


6. Third-party shipping

        In the event any material necessary for the production of the project must be shipped to a third party for additional processing, typesetting, photographic work, color separation, press work or binding, the designer will incur no liability for losses incurred in transit, or due to the delay of the shipper of the third party. However always contact Bruno and Co Art Studio in case of a complaint regarding shipment or production!


7. Cancellation

        In the event of cancellation of the project, by client or artist, ownership of all copyrights shall be retained by Bruno and Co Art Studio. The original artwork shall be removed from the data base. 

The client agrees with the no refund policy on all printed artworks, but if there are any complaints or questions about the shipment or otherwise please always contact the designer.


8. Confidentiality

        All correspondence and documents provided will be treated as confidential between the client and the designer, unless consent has been granted by both parties involved.


9. Acceptance of Agreement

        Conditions are hereby accepted when giving the commission, placing an order or displaying designers art. The designer is authorized to execute the project as outlined in this agreement. 


 The rules of copyright and portrait right

Please note that not everything can be painted in your artwork.

Logo's of brands and sport clubs and slogans can not integrated in your artwork because I would violate copyright and/or trademark. Of course I can make you an artwork that resembles the ambiance, I can paint the costumes and accessoires around your pet in a similar fashion.


If you have any questions contact me!



Feb 2024, Jessica Vonk